Should you move to Singapore? (A decision tree)

Moving to a new country is never an easy thing. I sometimes think about how both my parents came to the USA with no English, and very little resources. I don’t think today that I would ever do that! Are you thinking of whether to move to Singapore? I hope this helps!

My parents moved because they knew there were opportunities in the States that they would not have at home in China. So, whatever your reasons are for thinking about for a move to Singapore, remember that it’s your unique situation and your own decision to make. And of course, if you are bringing your family with you, that also changes things. (One thing to be aware of is that Singapore has weird visa laws regarding children born in Singapore. If you don’t earn above a certain pay grade, you’ll have to constantly renew the child’s visa until something more long term can be worked out.)

Should you move to Singapore?

This diagram is just an aid to help you along with perhaps considering a few things that you may not have thought of on your own. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!



The main thing is knowing what you would require and what your main priorities are. If you’ve never lived in Asia, or never lived in a similar climate, give yourself a test period to see how it goes for you.

If you are looking for more information about life in Singapore, check out these posts: